The website is published by the company Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ registered in the Estonian Business Registry under number 16595122.

    Company name: Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ

    Legal form:  Private limited company

    Share capital  :  €2,500

    Head office address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Nõmme linnaosa, Pärnu mnt 388b, 11612

    Email: [email protected]

    Individual tax identification number intra-community VAT number: EE102550461

This site was developed for the company Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ.

Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ undertakes to comply with the principles of respect for confidentiality, loyalty and security in the processing of personal data under Estonian and European law and in particular law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms as well as European regulation number 2016/679 on the protection of personal data which came into force on May 25, 2018.

By having access to this site, the Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the user) undertakes to respect and comply with the conditions of use as defined below:

Access to the site

To access and use this Site, you must be of legal age and have a valid email address. If you are a minor, prior authorization from your parents will be required.

You may be required to fill in mandatory fields in a form, marked as such with an asterisk. In this case, it is necessary that you complete these fields before entering the Site. Any inaccurate or incomplete registration will not be taken into account.

You acknowledge that the data that you communicate to us and which are stored in our information systems are accurate and serve as proof of your identity. We thank you for informing us of any possible modification of these data.

Access to the Site and/or some of its Sections may require the use of personal access codes. In this case, it is up to you to take the appropriate measures to ensure the secrecy of these codes. Of course, you can change them at any time. However, the number of attempts to access the Site and/or some of its Sections may be limited in order to prevent fraudulent use of said codes.

We invite you to inform us of any fraudulent use of which you may become aware.

In the event of non-compliance with the rules described in these Terms of Use, we reserve the right to suspend your access to the Site. In this case, we will inform you as soon as possible.

Although we strive to keep the Site accessible at all times, we cannot guarantee this access in all circumstances. Indeed, and in particular for reasons of maintenance, updating, or for any other reason that we do not control, access to the Site may be interrupted.

Intellectual property

The Site and each of its components (such as brands, images, texts, videos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property.

Any use, reproduction or representation of the Site (in whole or in part) or the elements that compose it, on any medium whatsoever, for other purposes, and in particular commercial, is prohibited.

Use of the site

Use of the site assumes that you have skills, hardware and software for Internet users.

In addition, we remind you that the Internet does not make it possible to guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions, we cannot be held responsible in the event of errors, omissions, deletions, delays, failures (in particular due to viruses), communication lines, computer hardware and software over which we have no control or in the event of unauthorized use or damage to any content that you may publish on this Site.

User obligations

This Site may not under any circumstances be used to convey racist, violent, xenophobic, malicious, obscene or even illicit remarks.

Thus by using this Site, you are prohibited from:

disseminate content that is harmful, defamatory, unauthorized, malicious, infringing on privacy or image rights, inciting violence, racial or ethnic hatred.

use the Site to engage in politics, propaganda or proselytism;

publish advertising or promotional content.

divert the Discussion Space from its purpose, in particular by using it as a meeting space.

disseminate information or content likely to offend the sensibilities of the youngest, carry out illegal activities, in particular affecting the holders of rights to software, brands, photographs, images, texts, videos, etc.

We remind you that you must hold all the rights and/or authorizations to any content that you wish to publish on this Site. As such, we recommend that you do not publish content (in particular photographs) showing recent architectural elements, advertising creations or clothing creations whose brand could appear (abbreviations, logos, etc.). Finally, we inform you that content (in particular photographs and videos) representing minors will not be accepted on this Site.

Information contained in this site

a. General provisions

We strive to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. However, the transmission of data and information on the Internet only benefiting from relative technical reliability, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information on this Site.

Furthermore, we remind you that inaccuracies or omissions may appear in the information available on this Site, in particular due to intrusion by third parties. We invite you to inform us of any inaccuracies or omissions by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions in the information available on this Site. We also disclaim all liability for damages resulting from or in connection with your use of our Site, the information presented on this Site, the software used or made available via this Site and/or any of the sections of this Site.

b. Information on products and services

Unless otherwise stipulated, the products and services presented to you on this Site do not constitute an offer to sell but a general presentation of the range of products and services that we distribute in the country in which this Site is distributed.

c. Tips and diagnostic tools

The advice provided on this Site and/or the diagnostic tools that may be available are simple simulations intended to obtain advice of a cosmetological nature.

The information they provide is given for information only and can in no way replace a medical diagnosis or a clinical consultation, nor replace medical treatment.

Consequently, we cannot guarantee you full satisfaction regarding the advice resulting from the use of these tools and assume no responsibility for the use you may make of them.

Personal data

We may collect personal data about you, including by using cookies.

This data is collected in order to be able to send you information on our brand, our points of sale and our products, the follow-up of the customer relationship, to possibly collect your opinion on our services and our products and to carry out commercial prospecting operations.

This personal data will be subject to computer processing intended exclusively for Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ.

In accordance with the Privacy Protection Act, you have the right to access, oppose, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right at any time by sending an e-mail, accompanied by a photocopy of your identity document or your passport, by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]

Modification of the site

We may modify the content and information included in this Site as well as these Terms of Use, in particular in order to comply with any new applicable legislation and/or regulations and/or in order to improve the Site. Any changes will be incorporated into these Terms of Use.


The Deby Hair Lisa Cosmetics OÜ website is hosted by:

Lite Speed Technologies Inc.

18 Campus Blvd. Suite 100

Newtown Square, PA 19073 USA

[email protected]